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Finger print not sensitive xperia5


Finger print not sensitive xperia5

I hold my xperia 5 on my left hand, and is a mission to register m y left hand finger, and when it does it just work like 50 of times.

Is this a phone quality issues or am I doing sth wrong?


I'm having same issue. Sony refuse to recognize it as a general problem, since they would be obliged to return all units...


I could find a panacea for the scanner to work properly. And so, we delete all the fingerprints and add 3-4 fingerprints, then we apply a finger and look at what places on the finger the scanner remembered and which ones not. And add the fingerprint of those places where the scanner does not see the fingerprint


Hi guys

Not sure if this is still an issue for people with a 5 but my fingerprint sensor suddenly stopped working completely yesterday and I've managed to reactivate it. I deleted the stored print and then went into the test menu under 'about phone' and 'support'. Scroll to the bottom and there is an option to test fingerprint sensor. The phone then asked me to register a new print...it did the usual scan, confirmed that the scanner had recorded the print successfully and it's now working really well! 

I'd previously  tried to register a new print from the settings menu under ' fingerprint security' but strangely this had failed every time!

Hope this helps