Sony Soundbar Problem HT-CT660


Sony Soundbar Problem HT-CT660

I have recently purchased the new sony W9 55" TV and a Soundbar HT-CT660.


For the first few days it was fine until i started to hear a crackling/popping noise every 15-20 mins when listening to the TV.  We placed the soundbar on standby and tried various settings but this sound still appeared every now and again.  We had the TV changed out and the noise still remained !!  Finally we have traced the noise to the Soundbard and the ARC link that it has wit the TV  We have now connected up the TV to the sounbard via fibre optic cable and this seems to have cured it however we have to manually set the TV to output to the soundbard now.  Has anyone else had this issue with the soundbar?  If so how did you get around it??  I would really like to use the soundbar ARC setting and if there is a way to use an HDMI cable to use ARC setting but not giving any popping noises please can you tell me how you got around this problem.