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A80L AppleTV app, "sign in" just keeps spinning

A80L AppleTV app, "sign in" just keeps spinning

Just got an A80L, plugged in with LAN and installed latest SW update. All is good and streaming services work - except Apple TV.

The app starts and links/suggestions to content gets me to the main screen.

Starting the app directly gets me to a screen with a single "sign in" button.


The issue is that any attempt to actually sign in just shows a classic grey screen with a small spinner in the middle, which doesn't go away. Waited 10mins and no progress.


The account works just fine on my Chromecast Google TV which does however use WiFi, not that I see why that would make a difference.


Is it simply that the TV is not approved by Apple yet or some annoying reason like that?

Tags (2)

Problem solved, sort of.


The package name turned out to be important... if I install the generic AppleTV app by sideloading, the sign-in works just fine (and from what I can see from a quick check, I can playback 4K/HDR/surround and everything). So something is wrong with the Sony-specific AppleTV app.