AF9 strange Bluetooth issue

AF9 strange Bluetooth issue

I recently bought a sony master class oled tv AF9 since then i have been playing around with the tv settings. 

last night i was watching a movie on netflix and enjoying the HDR compatibility mod for the bravia tv, so i tried connecting my  Bluetooth momentum in ears buds.

when i went back to Netflix app i found out the all ultra HD and dolbyatmos content is switched to HD at first i thought it was neflix bugging out or something so i restarted the app then again all the content is HD only but when i turn off the Bluetooth every thing comes back to normal i can see HDR and Dolby Vision content. 

any one else experienced that issue is this is normal? i would reall appreciate a feed back or a solution to my issue.  @kushelmonschte 

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Hi @soly360, welcome to the Community.


There are often issues with Bluetooth buds, whereby they don't sync the audio fast enough between the buds, resulting in a lag and lack of lip sync across the pair. I suspect the TV recognises this and switches to a more 'lightweight' setting to give the buds a chance to keep up.


I wonder if other users may have experienced the same thing?



In the past this was an issue on A1 with the Netflix app fixed by them. The app was able to check that a Bluetooth device was connected and disabled the higher resolution. Try checking with them or if an new app version has been released