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Horrible stuttering when watching 4K content (KD-55XD8577)


Horrible stuttering when watching 4K content (KD-55XD8577)

Whether it be YouTube, Amazon Prime or Disney+, 4K content being streamed and watched at the same time causes horrible stuttering.  It is like the TV can't handle downloads and playing streams at the same time.


For example,


When watching Wandavision on Disney+ playback stutters every few seconds, unless I pause it for a few minutes and then watch.  Eventually the playback will stuttering again unless I pause it for several minutes or it reaches within a few minutes of the episode finishing.


Watching any 4K content on Amazon Prime results in either stuttering or, video playback pausing entirely for about 8 seconds while the audio continues in the background.


When playing YouTube 4K content video playback will completely stop while the audio continues to play in the background.


The only outlier in this is Netflix. Sometimes 4K content will stutter but I believe that because the app is so well optimised, the issues described above aren't as bad.


I have tested my Internet connection both with WiFi and cabled and there are zero issues there.  I have also reset the television back to factory settings recently to try and narrow down a cause and this hasn't done anything either.  My friend has reported the same issues and he has the same television model as I do and he is at a loss.


Is this a known issue for these televisions?  Are there any remedies to it?


Does anyone have a link to where this process is described maybe? Is there an application you need to install on the laptop / mobile you're connected to via USB, or how exactly does it work? Appreciated. Cheers



If you follow the link below, it will take you to the latest firmware update for this model television.


Installation is simple.


1) Download the update from the link above to a PC or laptop.


2) Extract the file contained within the .zip file to your desktop.


3) Insert a USB drive into your computer and copy the file to it. (Do not put the file in a folder)


4 Insert the USB drive into the television and turn it on. It may come up with a message about the update.


If no update is found then you should already have the latest version which say something like PKG5.457.