

Hiya All

Newbie here. I have a query regarding my new TV.  Can I record on a freeview channel whilst watching another, eg twin tuner type?  Also I've already made the mistake of formatting a brand new 128gb memory stick before discovering that it won't record to stick.  I've bought an hdd but am reluctant as yet to format it as I haven't yet managed to recover the stick to PC readable, in fear that the same may happen to the hdd.

Regards jockb


I have had success recording to a suitable USB stick but I think it has to be USB 3:0 compatable (high speed reading and writing'.


The TV uses a unique file system and so the drive may well not be recognised on a PC afterward.


This is a copy and paste from some comments I made here:


The removed drive is not recognised when connected back to a Windows PC for reuse. You have to go into the 'Disk Management Console' where you will see the drive but it will be showing (or rather not showing) a valid file format such as NTFS or FAT32. You need to delete the volume and then recreate a new 'simple volume' picking either NTFS (recommended for a traditional drive) or FAT32 as the format type. So your drive is still 100% OK, it just needs reformatting back to something Windows (or OS) can recognise.


