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KD-55XE9305 Vertical Lines On Screen


KD-55XE9305 Vertical Lines On Screen

I cannot believe this is happening again. In 2016 I purchased Sony's top model luckily with a 5 year warranty as it was just over a couple of thousand pounds, 2019 I started to get horizontal lines through the tv so complained to Sony after a lot of tooing & frowing they agreed to replace like for like with the XE9305 but alas with no warranty this time as it was a replacement. I am now suffering with vertical lines and I am unhappy to say the least. I've stuck with Sony as I grew up knowing nothing else, my dad had his Sony CRT for 25 years with no issue's, are they not designed to last more than 4 years now??? I've tried rebooting (which it does itself when it feels like it), it clears for the time but comes back when turned on. It has become progressively worse over the last week. Is this the new trend or is it time to give up on Sony and move on??20231122_204406.jpg20231122_204418.jpg20231122_204424.jpg20231122_204523.jpg


Sorry to hear this. I’m a KD-55XE9005 owner from 2017. No issues to date, touch wood, but I’ve had a few moments with this Sony where I have definitely thought (a) they’re not “built to last” these days, and (b) I won’t buy Sony next time. Little comfort to you but good luck with it.