Virgin 360 tv box set up with A9 oled tv

Virgin 360 tv box set up with A9 oled tv

Hi I wonder if someone can shed some light for me.

I purchased my new Kd48 A9 oled TV today and have used the TV Box Setup help function on it so I can control my virgin 360 box with the TV remote, but I'm struggling.

I select the provider and then when prompted to point my remote at the TV box and push up on the program nothing happens.



 Thanks in advance for any suggestions I can try.


For Some Reason Sony Have not updated there firmware to recognise Virgin 360 Remote or Update.  But there is a work around.  


With  your Sony remote go to Settings > Channels & inputs > External inputs > TV box setup > Setup by model number (try  DCX960) > TV box > Set up > select the HDMI input  that your 360 is plugged into > type in Ziggo > type in Mediabox (or Mediabox Next)

If your menus are different then try

Settings > Watching TV > External Inputs > TV Box Setup > Setup By Model Number > Setup > Select your HDMI that your 360 is plugged into >type in Ziggo > select Ziggo and press OK > type in DCX960 and press Enter > select DCX960 and press OK.


Then Goto your Settings External Inputs, Manage Inputs >HDMI - Ziggo > Custom Name and Rename to Virgin TV 360

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