I've been requested to apologise......


I've been requested to apologise......

Aloha everyone!

I received an email this morning requesting I make an apology

I assume CU means Robbinson Christopher but as there is no member mentioned I cannot say for sure.

I'm sorry CU chose to bring up the previous 'matter' and compare it in this instance in an attempt to chide me.
There is no comparison between the two, a fact that completely escapes him.

I was told at the time to re-word my email requesting the post's removal and was also told CU 'does not work to my timescale'

I feel he is singling me out in this instance. Has anyone else received an email about this? Prove me wrong.

He was doing so well until he mentioned 'Pride' in today's little message[:D
Do I apologise? Do I tell him I don't work to his timescale? Do I tell him to re-word his email?

What do you think?
I would expect that CU would also have protected the people who basically babysit his forum, thus I expect Mr Robinson to apologise now that he has read my apology.

I'm expecting a ban for this by the way which I hope will satisfy some people.
My crime? Defending the VM's
Would I have done it any differently? Hell No!:smileygrin:

Thank you - you've been a lovely audience!:smileygrin:

(Dear Santa Please give my memory card to Rich this year)


just keeping this nr the top of recent threads for when the intended eventually log in.


Love the avatar William!!!:smileylaugh:
Now what does it remind me of..:smileylaugh:


It's a forum and a forum is a public meeting place for open discussion. No one has a right to judge to anyone's post be it someone's dirty laundry, sick images or technical help since no one is moderating it anyway. Get over it and move on:smileytongue: Have fun Jumpy. I like your posts:smileygrin: No offence


Thank you Cleo:smileyhappy:


I hope no one posts sick images


Unless cleo means Borat:smileygrin:


hi there peeps

Seems like i have missed out on some fun but then i haven't been able to access the site for the last two weeks when i have actually been trying to get on it!

I'm with the rest of you guys no need to apologise - before someone else does no need to mention the name me thinks!!

Take it easy folks and see you in another blue moon.


Thanks Scuba!


Silence is golden:smileygrin:


Well I'm frankly disapointed with Clubuser and the team, they really should look at both sides instead of blaming Jumpsuit.

I am so close to quitting myself, fed up of the DVD questions week in week out, they are flipping boring to be honest and people should learn to RTFM as Bart would say or at least learn to use the search function which needs a lot of work done on it.

I've apeased this place far too long, it's been since May 04 we've all been waiting for some sort of decent forum and we're not much better on - OK better speeds but not much functionality.

To be honest I'm out of touch with VAIO and it's new abilities and this forum doesn't really push me anymore. Thanks to Thalamus, Bicogo (sorry wrong spelling I bet) and Rich we now have a good base of answers and to be honest my abilities are not much different to theirs so when they know something I can't really help further, as they've said what I'd say, which isn't any disrespect to them, but I can't really see how much more I can help. It's no one's fault and no one should feel guilty, but all good things come to an end (I'm not talking about me, but more what this forum was).

Still the people are great, and that's what counts.