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CMT-G2BNiP Albums play in alphabetically order


CMT-G2BNiP Albums play in alphabetically order

I have a Sony CMT-G2BNiP Hi-Fi and am using the Home Network with my Laptop. I have MediaMonkey set up as a DLNA server and everything is fine. I can see all my music and playlists on the Sony. And everything plays fine. But if I select an album (either directly through albums or through artists) the tracks appear in Alphabetical order rather than Track # order. Is there any way (other than renaming my tracks 01, 02, etc) to get albums to play in track order?


I have discovered that the order of the tracks is not controlled by the Sony but by the DLNA server (in this case MediaMonkey). The track order issue has been corrected in the latest version of MediaMonkey (4.1) which is in beta release at present.