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Why is my BDP-S570 no longer recognising .avi files?

Why is my BDP-S570 no longer recognising .avi files?

I purchased a BDP-S570 blu-ray player a few weeks ago and until recently have been able to play .avi files via my external hdd with no problems. I have WD 150GB hdd and didn't even need to reformat it from NTFS for it to work, which is strange.

I turned the player on the other day and it randomly started claiming there were no playable files on the external hard drive. I immediately panicked that everything had been corrupted, but that was not the case. Unfortunately I don't have my flash drive with me to test, so I tried plugging in my camera. It displayed photos fine (which the hdd didn't) but once again claimed there were no playable video files (also .avi format). I had never tried playing video files on my camera previously though.

I've now converted the hard drive to FAT32 but it's still claiming there are no playable files! I've tried resetting the player but that hasn't made a difference. I am at a loss and would really appreciate any help you can give me.