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KDL-49WE753 BUGS !! sound and Sync.. and MANY MORE ISSUES !

KDL-49WE753 BUGS !! sound and Sync.. and MANY MORE ISSUES !



 just bought another Sony tv: (I'm starting to question my loyalty?):

 several annoying bugs on this set!  PLEASE RESOLVE SONY!!! :


1) when changing source, or PAUSE replay (any source tuner/youtube etc) there is LOUD buzz (feedback) through the speakers after approx ten seconds.


2) YouTube APP (via remote control button): there is CONSIDERABLE LypSync lag (many reveiwers reported elsewhere) Makes unwatchable ; RESOLUTION TO THIS unacceptable ISSUE ?


3) Netfix APP (via remote control button) : same LypSync issues (though lesser delay than YouTube above)


*nb: these are both regardless of using the SP-DIF (optical) or straight HDMI


4) APPS continious Error/ Blocked/ Out of Date Security cerfificates; I have (temporairly) resolved this by MANUALY over riding and (re)setting the date and time, again.


5) No control of the TV when entering the APPs (via the remote control handset) so unable to adjust speakers/ external audio etc.... This is madness having to 'set up' your system before going ino an 'app' (eg) watching netflix ?


 Over all, this is NOT up to my expecations of Sony; there are too many 'bugs' that should not be on a released model.

 SONY please respond with some fixtures as this is not good, or I will send the unit back and swap for another brand demolishing 30 YEARS of Sony loyalty !! :rage:






Hi there,


Welcome to the Community.


Have you updated your TV to the latest firmware? If not - could you please give this a try and let us know if this helps with any of the issues you're facing? You can find the download here.





Yes, managed to configure the manual time and date, and then ran the
Rechecked, and confirmed 'your software is up too date'.

NB I see on forums elsewhere this is a Major problem regarding LypSync in

apologies for any typos, sent from a mobile platform

(I work in professional broadcast) so one of the First things was to update.

 1) The sync problem is now also apparant on certain terrestrial channels (but note; NOT ALL)

 2) THE ASECOND ISSUE, is now a horrendous loud Buzz through the speakers when a program is paused, or even cahnging Chanel.

AGAIN NOTE: this does NOT happen when connected to the (replaced older) Sony TV, or another Panasonic TV.

 ALL THE FAULTS reported are unique to this set ONLY.

REALLY NOT HAPPY, nor unique if you read other forum reviews (Amazon as just one example).

SONY FIX THIS or I WILL return and never buy Sony again. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE.