SWF-BR100 Wireless Subwoofer


SWF-BR100 Wireless Subwoofer


Can the wireless sub which is synced to the fv speakers work with a sounbar, for example Vizio?

Gives bass to TV speakers. I am thinking of getting a Vizio S5430W-C2 3.0 soundbar to pair with the Sony SWF-BR100 wireless sub but i don't know will the sub work with it.
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Hi there


I doubt it very much.  When you connect other audio devices (ie soundbars) you switch the audio settings from TV to 'External Audio System' therefore you are by-passing the TV's audio completely. 




Cheers for that, that's what i thought. Would you suggest how i can add extra sound to pair with the subwoofer?. Why would Sony make a soundwoofer not to go with anything else?
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Ahhhhhh - I think I know what your getting at now.  The SWF-BR100 was never designed for the purpose that your proposing. 


It was primarily designed for those that do not require or want additional speakers, but would like a little extra 'ooomph' or 'boom' to their audio experience - especially when watching movies.  TVs specifically with those 'elephant ear' speakers or the 'wedge' shape with the long audio duct.


Anyone with other wants/needs would purchase a soundbar or audio system instead, as teh SWF-BR100 would not be suitable for their requirements.


Basically what Im getting at, is that Sony designed another 'option' for those with different needs and therefore you choose which device/setup that suits you best.


Hopefully that helps :slight_smile:



Ok thanks i get it. It was free in the package u bought so didn't realise. The Bass is indeed impressive and the wedge shape probably is better, nevertheless i would like a little more front sound. Will it work with just say another sony 2.1 or 2.0 that also syncs to the tv?
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Hi @scottylahive 


I have had a much more thorough look into this - Ive only seen the SWF-BR100 demonstrationed and have never experimented with it.  However I have come to the conclusion that I cant give an answer either way.  I'll explain.


Firstly lets look at how the SWF-BR100 connects (Instructions : HERE😞

  • You have a wireless transmitter that is plugged into a USB port AND an audio cable coming from it, which connects to the headphone jack on the TV.
  • The TV will automattically set [Headphone/Audio Out] to "Sub Woofer"

Next, lets have a look at a 2.0 soundbar:

  • These days, you would connect a soundbar to a TV, you generally use a HDMI cable now (and not an optical cable) and connect it to an ARC port on the TV to the ARC port on the soundbar. 
  • If using a Sony soundbar, it will have a feature called Bravia Sync of which it which will automattically set the TV's Speakers to "Audio System"


I have a 2013 TV as well as an Sony AV Receiver connected to it.  I can connect a set of headphones to the TV, as well as having audio outputted (if thats a word) from the AV Receivers connected speakers at the same time.


Could this be the case with a 2014 TV with a connect Subwoofer using the Headphone/audio jack?  Thats the big question.  I cannot say either way unfortunately.


The other issue at play is that Sony has 9 different model soundbars in their product range, 8 of them has a separate external sub woofer anyhow.  And 1 that has an inbuilt Subwoofer.  So therefore using Sonys product range, the SWF-BR100 would be surplus to requirement. 


Going back to your original question about connecting the Vizio 3.0 Soundbar.  The Vizio soundbar has a separate RCA jack in which to connect an exernal soundbar.  The SWF-BR100 does not have this, therefore cannot connect it to the Vizio.



In conclusion, I do not know if you can have the SWF-BR100 connected to the TV as well as having a 2.0/3.0 soundbar - AND it working in sync with one another.  If you want to persist down this route, my advice it to go to a Sony Centre, or another retail outlet and see if they can demonstrate this - If you do, please post back - I would be interested to know.


However, it is my opinion, that its just not worth the hasste, therefore get yourself a 2.1 Soundbar (or even a 5.1 Home Cinema System with a bluray player) and see if you can sell the SWF-BR100 through other channels (ie ebay/amazon/gumtree etc)




Yeah i will try first a sony centre, which looks like only one or two may do it if at all. Selling it is not a bad idea. I think that technology is just an extra option for folks who don't want a whole system as you say. Didn't mention that in the shop where i was at all, but heh it was free so i cannot complain. Cheers
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Coolies -  Let us know how you get on anyhow  :slight_smile: