
power issue

Help please

I got a sony vio fit 14e touchscreen yesterday

I set it up and registered it i then closed it down today i plugged in the charger went to switch the laptop on but it would not power up and no lights are on i removveed the charger and tried to power uo through the battery which was fully charged but still wont power up i then tried removing the battery and power uo through the charger but it still wont power up.

Have i put the system into hibernation if so how can i get laptop running again or is this a major fault that will require replacment.

I am no expert with computors but a brand new laptop faulty after an hour is not good

Any help would be much appriciated please




Hi Willie and welcome.


Unfortunately, it sounds like a power problem.


You can try disconnecting all power (AC and battery) and hold lown the power button for 30 seconds.  This may discharge any static electricity.


If this does not work, I would take it back to the vendor for an exchange.




thanks have tried the usal self help things but no joy

what i have noticed is that the green light on the ac charger stays on for a good 30/40 seconds after removed from the mains electric socket and it is also cold could the a/c be faulty and have caused damage to the laptop either way its going back as a laptop used for half hour then faulty does not give me a lot of confidence in it.

the next issue will be getting it changed just got this through an emploee scheme at work and dont have a clue were to start the complaint with workor sony direct.

Thanks for help


Does anyone else have any ideas 

Am i being a numpty and missing somthing simple or have i just been unlucky and got a faulty laptop.

The green light on th a/c charger is on but the charger is cold even if plugged in for an hour is this a indication that the laptop is not drawing power fron a/c charger.

Any help would be much appriciated as im at a loss 


Hi there wulber62,


Welcome to the Community.

If you contact Sony Support, they will be able to advise you of the next step you need to take.


Do let us know how you get on.


Many thanks,



Hi Willie,

Have you tried resetting the battery using the battery off button? This is located on the underside of the notebook.

From your manual:
“Disconnect all cables connected to your VAIO computer, such as the AC adapter, and push and hold the battery off button for three to five seconds with a thin, straight object (such as a paper clip).”


Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Hi guys tried this reset battery small hole on bottom off laptop but still nothing at a loss as i said not even a flicker of power from laptop not a light on or nothing just completly dead.


I have had exactly the same issue and my unit has been back to the service department twice in the last 6 weeks and they stick a paper clip in the back and run a hardboot - somehting they advise is common on this model!!!



Since having the unit returned for the 2nd time in 6 weeks I have had to hardboot the system twice so far this week


Process provided by Sony Service :-
Switch unit off

Paperclip in hole in top left hand corner on back of unit

Hold down for 5 seconds

Turn power on

Press Assist button

top left hand on screen runs diagnostics and then you are up and running - until the next time!!


In my view this is a pretty serius design flaw