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Xperia Tablet Z Android 4.3 update and still stuck on Phablet interface

Xperia Tablet Z Android 4.3 update and still stuck on Phablet interface

Well got the Android 4.3 update on my Tablet Z, thanks Sony for not metioning anywhere the update is only offered through PC Companion and not direct on the tablet, that was very unhelpful as I was checking each day and still getting the there is no update message on the tablet, a prompt that there is but you need to conenct to PC would have been nice.


AND STILL as since the 4.2.2 the TABLET I bought is stuck with the interface for a phone. If there is a way to change it I can't find it.


Come on Sony I bought a TABLET not a phone, I know the route of this is Google's fault but you could easily patch the tablet layout back. The phone/phablet UI is absolutely abysmal on a large screen tablet, all the controls are out of reach.


If it wasn't for the fact I don't want to root my device because it will cause issues with some apps I use I could restore the tablet interface in no time by flashing a fix to the tablet.


Come on Sony this is seriously degrading the quality and utility of your product.



Edit: Successfully updated via wifi - yay!