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"This event is available in HD on service

"This event is available in HD on service

nnn. Do you want to change to HD event?"

Has started popping up on my Parents' KDL-32EX724 (PKG.904). I think after a recent firmware upgrade over the air. Definitely not there at Christmas. Our local transmitter (Hannington) doesn't yet do HD and anyway our signal won't be strong enough until Digital switch over in a few weeks time.

Is there any way to get rid of these mesages? My Father's motor skills are weak and he finds it difficult to have to dismiss this message every time.

I''ve had a good look round the menus and tried a couple of the more cryptic ones with no success.


Workaround solution from

Sony KDL-32CX523 shows prompt in the middle of the screen:

     This event is available in HD on service 935.
     Do you want to change to HD event?
     [Yes] [No]

Select [Yes], and it goes to channel 935.

Unfortunately, channel 935 has no signal - the real BBC One HD signal is on Freeview channel 050 - so that isn't a good result:

Workaround is to delete the relevant channels from the TV.

To delete channels, go to

Settings/Home Menu > Digital Set-up > Digital Programme Sorting.

Here, we've deleted "BBC HD" (934) and "BBC One HD" (935), and we're about to delete "ITV1 HD" (936) and "Channel 4 HD" (937):

The channel numbers we got (934 - 937) are different from those seen by abarton (833 etc). Maybe it's region-dependent. We're in a BN16 postcode.

Sometimes we've seen it switch to BBC HD correctly when you say [Yes], which means that if you want to be sure of not getting those "change to HD event?" prompts at all, you may have to sacrifice the HD channel. That's kind of a shame - somewhat defeats the object of having an HD set.

To be notified if Sony do something to fix this - and to encourage them to fix it - select 'Notify Me' at:

Bravia : On screen broadcast message prompt, change channel to HD option ?

I also contacted Sony support and was at first fobbed off by them that this was a broadcaster issue before they admitted the message was generated by the TV but couldn't be turned off in the TV. I think the message has disappeared from my Parent's TV.

It may be that the trigger is turned on then off by the broadcasters at particular stages of the Digital Switch Over process. My parents are on Hannington and I think their messages disappeared by Easter.