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Fast button to make phone silence?


Fast button to make phone silence?

Is there some button to press to switch from noise to vibration to vibrationless in Sony xz2 compact?

I don't wanna press the volume button to change it, I just want to roll down the page from the top to change it like Samsung. (with the "page" I mean the scroll down you do to put on wifi, Bluetooth, flashlight etc)

If there is no such thing, could you please take this as a feedback to future updates and ad it? 


Hi @Hihello, welcome to our forum!

You have this option in your Xperia XZ2 as well, it's called Do not disturb and there is an icon in the quick settings for this (you may need to edit it as the first scroll from the top will only display the first sex icons in the quick settings).

The icon is a round circle with a "-" inside of it and if you expand the quick settings, it's called "Do not disturb".

By default in Android 9 and 10, the do not disturb will still let some things through, so you will need to edit it under Settings > Sound > Do not disturb so it suits you. For example, if you want calls from starred contacts to go through or if you don't want any calls to come through and make a sound during do not disturb.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face