Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working


Xperia Z3 Compact GPS Not Working

I did diagnostics on Z3 compact but gps failed. Followed the instruction but nothing happened. Fix this sony.
125 REPLIES 125

I sent again an email to sony about this problem, they suggested me that maybe android marshmallow update will fix the gps. I hope they're testing it and that isnt just a guess. Anyway here marshmallow is still not available for z3c, hope that someone could confirm that marshmallow fix the gps.


I too have followed numerous fixes without success but seemed to have found a solution by chance.. Some reference in one thread to possible 'damage' caused by the power connection.. So I decided to connect my power lead, go outside n run GPS Test whilst just tweaking the connection lead slightly up or down.. Miraculously I got a 10 out of 20 satellite fix.. Tried my Runtastic app also n that managed a GPS fix as well after about 30 seconds.. Not sure if the fix will last, but it would appear to be a 'mis-connection' to the GPS antenna caused possibly by the power connector.. Had similar issue with my maim camera, wasn't connecting unless I pressed case near to where the connection was located.. But after reading posts about that also, a quick squeeze of the case at that point n that was working again also.. I am guessing some dodgy connectors inherent on the Sony Xperia main board..

I solved this problem by changing in file /etc/system/gps.conf as described in


I've been having GPS issues on my Z3 compact for a couple of weeks. It will find my location, but unable to just any form of navigation/trackers. I tested all the different GPS diagnostic apps, and many different suggestions by people.  Thanks to post #32 byCider-Red76 I've tracked it down to being hardware related.

Standing outside with a GPS diagnostic app open with no satellite connections, plug in a micro usb cable and pull it towards me slightly, suddenly the connections start happening. Let go of the usb lead and the connections disappear.

Out of 12 month warranty and don't really want to send phone off for lengthy/expensive repair. Need to decide whether to open it up myself and have a tinker, live with it or replace?


I have the same problems like the other users since Aug 15 (lollipop) and its very frustrating that sony didnt fix it like with the update for die M2 !!!

I was hoping that Android 6.0 Marshmallow will fix the problem but i have updated it and GPS still doesn´t work. Definitly my last Sony product if the don´t fix this software problem soon!


I also hoped that the Marshmallow update (6.0.1) would have solved this GPS problem, but it didn't. GPS Test shows still NO FIX and it can't lock any of 21 satellites that are available. Do something Sony!!! 


I can confirm that marshmallow update doesnt solve the problem, my z3c has still warranty, but i have a crack on the rear glass (caused by myself) and sony assistance asked me 90 euros to change it, even if i just want to repair gps and not the rear glass. They say that i have to fix all the phone or nothing. Judge by yourselves...


I experience the exact same problem.

@SUPPORT: It cannot be that we all are having faulty phones. So when will you fix this software problem?


Hi, I have the same issue which really annoys me. My GPS catches the signal sometimes but just for minutes or until I start moving. I was fan of Sony but if they don't resolve the issue, they are going to lose me as a customer. It's a shame they avoid responsibility. I also also want my GPS fixed!!!

Same problem here.

It seems like it's a software problem and can be fixed using the procedure explained here:

Has anybody except Larrxi tried this? You need root privileges for that though.