Memory boost app


Memory boost app

I have a 02 xperia 10 and there is a built in memory boost that interrupts and then plays game adverts. I can find it in apps and didnt put it on. How do i delete? Pleasr


Hi @Xperiatencn,

There shouldn't be any pre-installed applications that boosts the memory in the device and sends adverts.

Do you know the name of the application and are you able to uninstall it? If you can find it in the app drawer, press and hold on the icon > tap on "Uninstall".

Let me know if that helps!


No, it isnt like an app such as a game which could be uninstalled in the way you described. I cant even see what its called! 


Hi again @Xperiatencn, sorry for the late reply.

To my knowledge there is no kind of "boost" applications installed by default in any of our devices.

The only applications that I have received ads from is applications that I have downloaded from the Google Play store.

Just to make sure, can you try and restart your device in safe mode and see if there is any ads popping up? In safe mode only pre-installed applications are started up and we can easily see if it is a pre-installed application that is responsible for the ads or not.

Keep me posted!