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Cannot install action cam movie creator


Cannot install action cam movie creator

I cannot install the software. I always get a message that my network connection is lost (error 0101-1007-4032).

My internet connection is excellent. I always run the .exe file as administrator. I have Windows 10, but i tried to run the file as compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Vista. Still the same error message.

I tried to use my phone internet connection (tethering). Still the same problem.


I have followed all instructions by Sony, but i cannot install it. This is absolutely unbelievable, please make a compatible software. It must be really easy for a company like Sony...



Hi karnal,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..


You haven't stated which version you are trying to install but it states on the Action Cam Movie Creator page that the latest version is compatible with Windows 10 so you might want to try the latest version if it's different to your current version..


Has anyone solved this problem - I'm running Windows 10 with a fresh download from the website trying to install over an ethernet connection and I've never had a similar error from any installation ever (I even waited a week and tried reinstalling in case it was a build issue)...

It seems that Sony Playmemories has the same bug and Sony provide an offline installer to get around it, is there any where to get an offline one for ACMC?



Oh just realised after hitting post that it's acutally being blocked silently by AVG antivirus protection. Temporarily disabling this while running the installer sorts it out (I'm hoping Sony isn't going to be installing viruses on my system)...