Bravia KD 49XG8196 4K issue

Bravia KD 49XG8196 4K issue


Wonder if anyone can help with this please?


I am using Hdmi port 2 (4k/HDR) for My sky Box

Sky is set up to picture resolution 2160p-10bit.

Video Options on TV are set to;

     HDR mode & HDMI video range - Auto

     Colour Space - DCI

All good but the TV won't switch to UHD/4K .. When watching anything through sky just stays as 1080p and when I try to watch a 4K/UHD film in Netflix or Disney + through the sky box the picture quality is, well, crap! Virtually no colour, almost black n white and very dark.

When using the apps option all is good.


Any help as to what it may be? Will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any advice/Help   



P.S. I have tried resetting back to factory settings and is no different. Just becoming very very annoying.







Hi @SteveOll   You need to set the Sky Q port (HDMI 2) to Enhanced to enable HDR. It has been a long time since I owned an Android TV, but you may have a single setting to Enhance both 2 & 3.

Click on the link below for instructions on switching the HDMI Signal Format to Enhanced.


There was also a firmware update for your TV released at the end of September, click below.


Click on Firmware update to 6.7220 to take you to the next page where you can download the update to your computer, read the instructions on how to put it on a USB stick and install on your TV.

As an update, I have realised that viewing 4k video through sky box all is ok. But, if the video is in HDR, That's when I have the problem. If I change to HDR10 it still doesn't work. I'm now wondering if it's Sky that can't cope with HDR.

Hi @SteveOll   


Please confirm that you have set the Sky Q input to “Enhanced”. If not the TV will not recognise the HDR switch and handle the ‘enhanced’ HDR signal (Sky Q set to 2160p 10bit).


Sky Q HDR uses HLG HDR and not HDR10. The Sky Q HDR picture is stunning on my XR-55A95K.


Make sure that you are using the Sky Q supplied high speed HDMI lead. The maximum length of high speed passive HDMI lead is a mere 3 metres.

Hi Lightfoot,

Thanks for replying.

Yes, I have the SkyQ box set to 2160p 10 bit (Im assuming that is what you call 'enhanced')?

What I didn't know was, Sky use the HLG setting. I have now changed from 'Auto' to this and yes, It's a better picture quality. So thanks again for that.

I am using the supplied Sky HDMI lead.

My original query was why when using Netflix or Disney+ through the sky box, it can't seem to handle anything that has an HDR picture quality. I have since found that if the film is 4K only on Netflix, then absolutely no problems. Just HDR.


I now use the Netflix and Disney+ apps through the 'Apps section' on the TV and works great.

No Enhanced is a setting you select on your Sony TV it is under HDMI Signal Format in your TVs Settings menu, you would have known this if you had read the link I posted to you earlier.

@SteveOll wrote:

Yes, I have the SkyQ box set to 2160p 10 bit (Im assuming that is what you call 'enhanced')?

Hi @SteveOll 


I'm sorry, it is your TV (KD-49XG8196) that needs to be set to "Enhanced", not your Sky Q box.

How do I view 4K and HDR content (via HDMI) on Sony's 4k Android TV? | Sony UK


Just checking that your Sky Q box is capable of switching to HDR. On your Sky Q box, have a look at Home -> Settings -> System info -> Hardware version. It should show 32B?xx. The important number is ?, it will be 0, 1 or 2. It needs to be 1 or 2. If it is 0 then you don't have a HDR box and should only watch SDR (non-HDR) programmes. The easiest way to achieve this is to change the Sky Q box to 2160p 8bit.


Please let us know what you find.

Hi @LightFoot 

Yes My TV is set to 'enhanced'

Sky box showing....32B205

And is set to 2160p 10bit


I now have great picture quality on sky box. (Thank you for pointing out TV should be set to HLG).


As I have said previously, It's only when watching an HDR film in Netflix and any Disney+ programme that I have the problem.

I will now only watch Netflix/Disney+ through the Apps page on the TV.

Thank you @daveyh64 

Mine hadn't updated for quite a while. I had automatic updates turned off. ooops

I've updated through the usb drive to the latest version.


Thanks Again