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Dimming issue after PKG6.2858.0082 software update.

Dimming issue after PKG6.2858.0082 software update.

Since the PKG6.2858 update I have a dimming issue with my Sony A1. The picture pre update was stunning, however since the update I am experiencing varying levels of brightness which has completely ruined ths set for me. Colours are lacklustre and mostly dim, a factory reset has failed to rectify the problem. It seems that a number of owners on the AVSForums are experiencing similar problems. Only hope that Sony bring out a fix but not holding my breath.

183 REPLIES 183

Hi jirober52,


Sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing. 


I would check to see if there is any new firmware update for your TV to fix this issue.


Alternatively, it may be worth returning all picture settings to the factory default using the following steps - 

  1. Press the Imagebutton of the remote to switch to the input that you feel dark.
  2. Press the ACTION MENU button on the remote.
  3. Select Picture adjustment.
  4. Select Advanced settings.
  5. Select Reset and press the â†’ button to select the Reset menu, then press the ENTER button.
  6. Select YES on the Reset to default? window.


Let me know how you get on?


Best wishes,


Sean Mc

This issue you are mentioning is not widespread. There are indeed a very few A1 owners complaining about the 40sec auto dim issue (which I suppose it is what you are referring to), but in general not all A1 units are displaying the issue. Including mine.

This makes me believe that it must be due to a certain combination of settings or devices you are using. In both cases if you say that a full factory reset has not resolved the issue and you are 100% positive that the issue was not there prior to FW 6.2858 then I would say simply roll back to FW 6.2671.

You first will need to use the Recovery Software Package to flash the firmware to the factory release revision, then manually upgrade the FW to the desired FW revision. Which is in your case FW revision 6.2671.

Hi Sean,


Thanks for the response. I have this morning checked if there is a futher update but the PKG6.2858 is current. 


Also I have as you have suggested returned all picture settings to the factory default, however the problem persists. A factory reset has also failed to rectify the problem.


The picture dims frequently and is also lost it"s previous vibrancy.


I am really disallusioned as previously this set had by far the best picture that I have ever experienced.


Again, many thanks for trying to assist me in this matter.



Hi Jim, 


I will pass on your feedback to the team to look into and someone will update the thread here when we have more news for you. 







Many thanks for your comprehensive response to my problem.


Respectfully, I did not say that the problem was widespread, only that a number of owners on the AVSForums where experiencing the same problem. There are more postings regarding this problem on the 'Sony A1E Oled 4k Ultra HD owners only thread (No Price Talk)' thread. One reads that the update is a disaster and that it turned one of the best avalable tv's on the market into a nightmare. After spending so much on this set, I echo his sentiments.


If there is no imminent software update to rectify the problem, I will follow your advice to roll back to FW 6.2671. I was honestly unaware that this was possible and I am mostly thankfull for the clear instructions you have given in your reply.


It is most reassurring to know that members are willing to give their time and expertise to help others.





To make sure you won't run into undesirable issues in the future after a FW upgrade on your TV, I would recommend you always do a factory data reset prior to updating the FW. The process of updating the FW on your TV is a delicate process that can easily run into issues or result in unforeseen behaviour of certain software functional modules. So although Sony runs extensive IVVQ testing before releasing a FW update, they still can't guarantee that a particular app you had installed or a particular combination of events in each TV configuration for instance won't cause trouble during or after the process. So as a customer the best thing you should care to do, is put yourself in the safe zone (test scenarios covered by Sony) before starting to update your TV.

Thanks again, I will make certain that I will follow your recommendations in future.

I am having the same problem since the udate


Can you confirm that you rolled back the firmware and that it worked.





I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same dimming issue that occurred after the PKG6.2858.0082 firmware update.

Discrection being the better part of valour, I decided not to take this route because if anything had gone wrong I most probably would have invalidated the warranty.

I have numerous email with Sony Support regarding this defect, I have tried everything that has been thrown at me regarding a correction to the problem but to no avail.

As this is now widely reported on other AV forums, I am at a loss to understand why Sony will not acknowledge that the problem exists and a fix is issued.

This tv was the best I have ever owned before the FW update, I now believe like others that it is now seriously flawed.