Installation of dual-band gigabit router

Installation of dual-band gigabit router

Following a recent upgrade of ISP connection to optical cable, I am considering changing an 2,4 Ghz fast enthernet router to a dual band gigbit router as my Sony KDL-43W805C is allegedly capable of coummunicating on 5,0 Ghz with the router. As the distance between the TV set and the router is constant as opposed to other wi-fi devices such as mobile phones and tablets, I assume the wi-fi data speed on 5,0 Ghz can be improved. 

Is there any experience that by changing to 5,0 Ghz data speed is improved? Do I need to set wi-fi band to fix 5,0 Ghz, or shall I leave it to automatic?

How to settle the issue of using the fix 5,0 Ghz for the TV set and 2,4 Ghz or 5,0 Ghz for other devices at the same time? I am not sure that all dual band gigbit routers have band steering capability. Do I need to set up a seperate SSID, a separate connection channel to the TV set?




Check out reviews of the routers that you might buy, and don’t get one where the band steering is reported as poor.


Then simply install the router, single SSID, do not split the bands. If the TV is worth its salt, and the router is worth its salt, they will get together on the 5G band.


One tip that may save you a lot of time is to set the new router SSID and password the same as the outgoing one; then all your WiFi devices will jump onto the new router without you having to go round them all resetting them.

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