KD-55XD8577SU - how do I install apps like Mobdro?


KD-55XD8577SU - how do I install apps like Mobdro?

Hi Guys,

I've just bought a Sony KD-55XD8577, mainly for watching sports & films,

Having done some research & spoken to several sales people, my main reason for purchasing this TV was that I could easily add as many apps as I wanted because it's Android O/S, that there are literally thousands of apps in the Google Store + other places & that I could install the likes of Mobdro; Showbox & many others that I commonly use....

But, I'm finding that this isn't the case.... unless someone can advise me different...

I've figured out how to add apps through the Google Store & Opera TV Store, but I thought I would be able to install what I wanted, not what Sony tell me I want....

My wife is shouting at me (big-time) for spending money we can ill-afford on this if it's not going to do what 'we' want 😞


P.S. sorry if I'm duplicating this post, thought I'd posted yesterday but can't find it anywhere!


Thanks for your help. I have left comments on the Mobdro devs site about this and addon in Kodi giving error message. I think it's because only 1.05 ver has been installed. 2.0.24 available and runs ok on my android tablet.


How to install mobdro on Sony bravia. All you have to do is install the app  called simply download from play store, next allow apps from unknown sources. On the simply download app type [Link removed by moderator] then click download, once download is complete follow the on screen instructions to complete the installation of the mobdro app. Finally if you have not got es file explorer already installed , install this app from play store, as the mobdro app will not show on your home screen alongside your other apps. Once you are in es file explorer go to apps and you will find the mobdro app, after that you simply open the mobdro app. This method is an easy way of installing apps on your Sony bravia TV and can be done to access many other apps besides mobdro .


I think that it is easy to use Mobdro (link removed) App on Android TV which I am looking to do on my Smart Sony TV.


That sounds interesting, let me try this with Mobdro App.


If you are using the Firestick then you install Mobdro or other apps using the ES File Explorer method using apk file. Now, all the smart tv's are able to install android appss to so you can download and install it directly. 

There are few devices allows chromecast support using thw Growbox apk we can able to run any streaming movies app on TV. https://mobdroappdownload.co you take this website as reference to install. 


Having got Mobdro working I have to use Sideload launcher to use it. How do I get the Mobdro icon to show on my Apps section smart TV? Thanks in advance

Not applicable

@stickerlee wrote:

Having got Mobdro working I have to use Sideload launcher to use it. How do I get the Mobdro icon to show on my Apps section smart TV? Thanks in advance

You cant - thats why you need sideload launcher


Ok thanks


Highly Recommended to use, Terrarium TV - Free 1080p HD Movies and TV Shows Android App.

Another alternative for 4k movies & tv shows, Mobdro — All the web's free video streams on your Android device.

If you are looking for north american movies & tv shows than you can go with, USTVnow: TV Guide - North American TV Shows, Movie and Series.


Edited by moderator - link to mobdro apk download removed as it shows pirated content.

Link to ustvnow removed as it doesn't claim licensing to stream channels, which means that they might not have permission.

Links to Terrarium TV also removed as European Court of Justice, ruled that “copyright-protected work obtained by streaming from a website belonging to a third party offering that work without the consent of the copyright holder”  does not benefit from an exemption of the laws governing the distribution of copyright content.

Plus after downloading the apk the app clearly states that “Use Terrarium TV at your own risk"



It could be better if you use Terrarium TV instead of Mobdro if you are really looking for Movies and Shows. It is officially available for any Sony devices like mobile or smart tv or Firestick. We should really thank Terrarium TV developers because it is specially designed for TV interface. This guide will help you to install Terrarium TV on any Smart TV devices.