Sony Channel Editor Ver.1.0.1

Sony Channel Editor Ver.1.0.1

The worst ever.

Moves channels wherever it wants, deletes whatever channel it wants and sometimes saves changes without permission. Especially Moving multiple channels creates an incorrigible mess.


Everything related to with those TVs is unbelievable.

Three years of UNSOLVED issues


Hi there,


Can you let me know which TV you are having issues with?


Best wishes,


Sean Mc

Doesn't matter. DTV/DVB integration and channel management is as borked on all Sony Android TV sets since 2015.

I am talking about the .xml editor called Sony Channel Editor Ver.1.0.1 (Windows). Ver.1.0.0 was the same.


The Android TV model xml file is exported from, has no meaning to be mentioned at all.

The funny thing was that when first saw this I said : Oh my God, after three years of mockery, finally Sony genius engineers decided to help their customers and solve the never to be solved issues with a kind of hood or a kind of mask that usually hides imperfections. And that was all a joke.

Maybe a version in the far future. Another three years from now.....




Sony is totally lacking the mindset for proper software development. And that won't play out well in the smart device world. They are a semiconductor company.



Why is it still a Windows installer? The tool is written in Java and could in theory run on Linux and Mac OS as well.

Why do we still have to fiddle around with USB and files in order to edit the channel list?

Why do we still have to use a computer in this mobile driven world we are living in?



No way to sort favorite channels. When trying to drag and drop a favorite channel to another position, the view changes to the full channel list. Only the full channel list seems to be sortable. Favorites are automatically sorted based on the full channel list. That doesn't make sense. One should never have to mess with the full channel list. What if I want to have different sorting on Favourites-1 and Favourites-2? Not possible...

It took me several minutes to figure out how I can add a channel to the favorite list. One has to mark the channel(s) and then hit the 'Edit Favourites' button. I would have expected some 'Add to Favourites' button or a right-click context menu...

Favorites don't have their own consecutive numbering. But that's a problem of the whole channel concept, not the editor. It is pretty hard to remember channel numbers if they are random and each time you do switch the channel by number on the TV, the favorites mode is left and the full channel list is activated.

Deleted channels keep lingering around without a name and cannot be moved.


Channel management on Sony is screwed in so many ways. I am just scratching the surface here. Basically, the whole DTV/DVB part needs to be ripped out and re-imagined as this is simply not usable.

No the full channel list is not sortable.

Try this:

  • Export your channel list from your set.
  • Delete all channels except first 30.
  • Delete number 4 and number 8. There are now two blanks.
  • Select all from number 5 to number 30. You want to move and sort them all after number 3 of course without blanks.
  • Drag and drop them between number 3 and number 4.
  • And there is the mess!!!! Number indexing after channel 4 is LOST and rest channels get number like 300 400 or whatever. This is ridiculus.

Think of trying to sort 400 channels and not just 30.

There is also some other issues.

Sometimes moving and deleting after first saving, the second save cannot be completed but program hangs and you lose all changes you had performed. You must do this again!!!

Deleted channels are not deleted. They go to 6000 7000 or whatever and of course our genius smart Sony Bravia brings them back