Safe mode Sony C3


Safe mode Sony C3

Bonjour cher tous s'il vous plaît j'ai un soucis avec mon Sony. Il est en mode sécurisé. Je suis redémarré et même réinitialisé mais  je n'ai pas eu gain de cause.

Merci de bien vouloir m'aider.

Hello dear all please I have a problem with my Sony. It is in secure mode. I am restarted and even reset but I did not win.

Thank you for helping me. - GT


Hi @G0rg1e, let me see if I can help out here.

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode that is most often used in order to see if a downloaded app in the phone is malfunctioning. You can read more about safe mode here.

In order to exit safe mode, just restart your phone as you usually do it. If that does not help, make sure that the volume button works as intended and that the volume down button is not pressed while starting the phone. 

Let me know if that helped!