T3 and Russian keyboard


T3 and Russian keyboard

Hi All,

Bought T3. Gentlemens, where Russian keyboard? How do I search for the author of the Russian book? Search the internet, too, need. Can I install a Russian keyboard? And the menu could be.

Thn :slight_smile:


Hi "stamigla"

I don’t think that’s possible to have (or install) a Russian keyboard on a Sony reader device, bought outside Russia! To do so, you must change PRS-T3’s firmware and that, I think, is not possible in “official way” (I don’t know about rooting)


I don’t know, also, if there is or will be a Russian version of PRS-T3 (a US version quite surely no), but if there is one, I think, that you cannot buy it yet: http://www.sony.ru/hub/elektronnii-reader (Only PRS-T2 at the moment).


Anyway, you can get further information by posting on Sony’s Russian Community

or get in touch with Sony’s Russian Support



Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)


Thank you for your response. I get it.
I live in Europe and bought in Europe. And T3 was made for Europe. In the EU there country of Bulgaria. They, too, Cyrillic. It's a bit strange for Sony.



"...................... It's a bit strange for Sony ......................"


What isn't ..........!  :nauseated_face:  


Tee hee ................  :cool:


Hi “stamigla”

There’re too many states in Europe as Bulgaria. States as Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Greece,…. BUT…

There’re other languages as Cyrillic. Languages as Greek, etc… BUT…

Business is Business


Then, for Cyrillic-Russia there is another problem. Most Cyrillic’s e-books, are not .pdf or .epub but .FB2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FictionBook

Russian reader’s version (not only Sony) is able to view even this type of file (.fb2).

(The only solution for this problem is to convert .FB2 files to .EPUB file. Then if there aren’t Cyrillic fonts into .epub file, you have to insert them!!!

Second solution: buy Russian books in .epub but, ensure(?) first, that ebooks contain even Cyrillic fonts!!!!!)


Then, a Sony reader for:

-Japan is only in Japanese (menu, dictionary, etc)

-USA is only for USA and Canada (till PRS-T1 it was even for Europe, but after T1 you can select other languages but not Sony’s Reader Store outside USA-Canada, dictionaries only in three languages)

-Russian for Russia, Bulgaria,…(Cyrillic, able to view FB2 files,…)

-Europe, for rest Europe and I think Australia (6 languages translation dictionaries, and last models not able to connect with USA’s, Canada’s and Japan’s Sony Store)

But as I say:

Business is Business



Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)