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BDV-E4100 Sound Issues

BDV-E4100 Sound Issues

Hello everyone,

I've bought a Sony BDV-E4100 about a year ago and it was perfect during all this time. Recently I'm facing an issue with it. 
I see that the sound is not deferred from the front speakers to the rear ones. All speakers are working simultaneously and I notice it especially when I play some test videos from YouTube

During the test, the sound from Front Left, Center and Front Right is slightly heard also from rear speakers but in very low volume. When it comes to the rear ones, the sound comes simultaneously from the FL and RL or from the FR and RR. The sound from LFE does not come at all. 
If I play any other film video (not test), all speakers and LFE produce sound but the effects that I used to hear in the beginning are disappeared. The same thing happens also when I connect the system and my phone via BT or when I use the built in YouTube app in BDV-E4100. So far I have tried the below 
fixes but without success:

1. I've tried with two different HDMI cables

2. I've done a reset of all setting in both TV (Samsung) and BDV-E4100

3. I've left them both unplugged for more than 5 minutes 

4. The test sound at BDV-E4100 audio settings is ok for all speakers when tested individually. 

5. All the plugs are in correct order 


Your help is very much appreciated.



Does changing the audio format seem to have an effect?



Using a multichannel system for bluetooth audio from phone or youtube is not the right thing to do. You should use a different medium (i.e. a bluray disk or a multichennel streaming service or a test file from the player)

Can you suggest a multi channel streaming service or test files? I downloaded some test files from dolby atmos website and the issue still persists. I want to mention that the YouTube test videos used to be ok when I bought the system.

The best thing to do was to define if the problem is realted to the Tv ord the BDV system, so I would start with a BD on it. Or you may check a multichannel movie on netflix (most of them) on the BDV still. Then I would move onto the TV and make the same thing. The same is valid for the test file you have downloaded: first on the BDV and than on the TV. 

If it doesn't work on either than there is something on the BDV otherways the problem is on the TV

I got brand new, high quality HDMI cable and everything is fine. It seems that the previous cables were damaged. 

Thank you all for the support.