RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode


RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode

My RDR HXD870 updates about 4 x per day which is normally fine but now it locks in to update which completely freezes the machine .  When this happens the only way to release it is to hold in the power button for 7secs. I have tried a hard reset and a firmware update...both failed to cure it. Any ideas anyone please.

149 REPLIES 149

How do you know the EPG has been corrupted? You seem to be speaking from a position of authority on this matter. I understand companies can issue software updates via the digital receiver network - could Sony/Pioneer have simply sent out a duff update on Friday?




I came down this morning and our 870 is stucking in UPDATE so off to find the post about that now.


I can't believe Sony have no customer support available at the weekend, if this had happened to us (in fact something similar did), we'd have been called into the office yesterday.


because those people that seem to know about it and have done some testing have said so over on the thread at avforums, and I am passing that info on. not only that, if you remove the epg option by setting to FRANCE or BELGIUM the freeview channels work again, so its the epg causing it to fail, as can be seen by being stuck in UPDAtE which is an epg UPDATE and is performed several times a day, usually overnight

so the epg UPDATE causes the freezing and lockups and the unit works fine if its taken out of the equation. no I am not an authority on it but as an ex comms troubleshooter its quite obvious to me and if the "experts" in this field and have done tests and say its corrupt epg then who am I to argue

I definitely know that my boxes have not been updated by sony, and have access to over a dozen in my family and friends circle, all have the same problems , and the temp fix sorts them out, for now

so no epg and the box functions again , simples

Thanks pewrigh38 for the explanation. It still doesn't explain why Sony have made no comment about this. It is still bad PR and to say that they won't know until someone reports it is not a good enough reason. Sony's US facebook page knows all about it. All we have had so far is the post from Pascal_F about Sony knowing about it and to have informed their dedicated team who are all at the beach by the sound of things. I am not denying that you may be right in what you say but we are dealing with a major corporation here, not some back street repair shop. Sony should at the very least have issued a statement. If this had happened in the USA they would have got a much bigger backlash than this. I don't want to have to start burning discs as i normally find that most update fixes don't seem to work on my macbook as I can never open them. Also loads of people have an even scanter knowledge of tech matters than I have. Surely if Sony can update my machine when it boots up they should be able to fix it this way also or will they send someone round? I imagine lots of people will have to take their recorder to the local repair shop to be fixed. What about all the people who don't have an internet connection? They must be sitting at home completely baffled by all this. We don't all live in the middle of big cities. Believe it or not there are people around who don't have a computer at all. How are they going to be informed? Yes they will have to take it somewhere and I am sure that no one is going to reinburse them.


So come on Sony, do something.




Me to. So glad I found this info as initially thought it was on the way way. Here's hoping the fix comes quickly tomorrow!

And another thing! Whenever my internet connection plays up I phone Virgin and if they have any problems they tell you about it on their recorded answering system as in. "If you are calling from ***** we know about this problem and are doing our best to fix it." All you get from Sony is a message tellinmg you that hey are not open!


I cannot comment on what they do at the weekends, but they definitely posted about it on twitter to say they now know about it and have passed it on to tech support. I would assume they passed it on to pioneer. but I dont think they will sort it out until they are all back in work from tomorrow. I agree that they should have issued a press release and put it on their home page, but it was in the social media section of their home page on the left hand side. and I believe they have posted on facebook too

how they tell non-computer users is not my problem, I am a user like yourself, but smart phones like the xperia , tablets like the zsperia , laptops, pc,s all manner of comms devices exist in this day and age

clearly their sony centres were inundated with calls and customers about this, so the repercussions could go on and on. it also wasnt just sony that were affected either, but clearly a lot of the pionner based machines had sony badges on them and were affected. it doesnt appear to have affected the newer samsung made DC recorders. perhaps they will learn from this pr disaster, who knows, ?

"Until they are all back in work tomorrow?" Well that is good of them to care that much. They haven't really said anything on their facebook page and as for placing a comment on ths social media section it should be posted across the top of the page. You are right about one thing though, this is a huge PR disaster. At least I can still watch TV as my Sony Bravia has it's own freeview built in.


I bet we never find out who is really to blame for all this as then litigation might rear its ugly head.


very true m8

on a side note, check your 870 is on firmware 1.65 or better still 1.70 as if its an older firmware that mey explain why you are losing stuff. but I believe a new firmware will come out to fix the problems and so we will all have to update our boxes anyway , so they may issue firmware 1.71 or 1.80 or 1.90 or whatever

for those of you who doubted it was the epg issue, read this thread by the sony community management team




The French fix worked for me.

Prior to trying this fix I tried to update the firmware from version 1.26.

The update disk loaded and ejected the tyar after only 15 or so seconds, I managed to remove the disk just before the draw closed. The display flickred Updare 2, Then the recorder shut down.

I checked the firmware to see it was still at version 1.26.

I tried this again after the fix and the same happened.

Have Sony stopped firmware updates until this problem is correctly fixed?