My battery gauge is tricking me?


My battery gauge is tricking me?

Okay, here's the thing. I bought my Xperia ion about 3 months ago, and so far it has been great; except for one thing. It happened a few times before, and I let it go, but I'm not having any of it anymore. The phone gives me a low battery notification at around 43-41% of battery or a little less.

The first time it happened, I thought the battery was actually drained. I put the phone on charge, but then the battery precentage it shows on the top corner of the lock screen was 40%. It happened again but I was on a trip on top of a mountain. So basically, I couldn't take photos for the second half of the trip, and so many memories would've been lost if it weren't for my friend's Note II.

After that one time, I suppose the battery was actually completely drained during the time spent from when it shut off till I went home. The phone stopped doing it for a while after that, and I remember one time it reached 12% without giving me the 0% battery notification. But two days ago, it happened again. Also, just now, it almost shut down at 43% and now I put it on charge.

I love Sony's phones and I always have. This one has been really amazing so far, the camera, the screen, the sound, everything is pure quality, but I'd love for them to last a bit longer. I really hope someone could help.

Thank you.


i have the same problem ..every one who has an ion is having this battery issue ...and nothing seems to fix it Slightly_frowning_Face


Hi, I feel you are having the same issues....I found this thread and applied the solution...although I'm still waiting for the result...I thought this might help you too...:smileyhappy:

go through it...


I decided to make this thread after reading yours

Have a look


I just did what you suggested...I found a considerable amount of battery drop in my ION, hopefully that solves.....:smileyhappy:

I knew that keeping my charger on, even after full charge, is always harmfull, so had installed 'battery full notification' previously. Even though..:smileyshocked:!!

Anyway, I will observe the changes and update here, tomorrow.

Thanks Nabeel.


Hello Nabeel........


yesterday I watched the battery drop to every point after point...I plugged in to recharge after 6%

There was no suden battery drop!!

Thanks again:smileyhappy:


I seem to have a problem that the Kernel wakelock "Data5" is keeping my phone from sleeping.  I have a Xperia S running ICS.  I cant seem to isolate the App thats causing this.  It causes my phone to drain in 4-5 hours without active use.  When i look at the default Battery Stats, "Android OS" has taken up the majority of the battery.  I isolated the kernel wakelock using BBS.  Any clue what is causing this and how i can prevent this?


Did you go through the the posts Nabeel has provided...? You might have your answers there...

Have a look


Doesnt seem to work.  Tried it.


sajalsamanta , his problem is different. My thread only shows the solution to abnormal battery % , but not about battery depleting faster or something Slightly_smiling_Face

So how's your battery % problem now ?  it's working all fine yeah ? Smiling_Face_with_Sunglasses