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Bravia KDL42W805A arc hdmi


Bravia KDL42W805A arc hdmi

Heelo guys wondering if someone could shed some light on my situation.

I have my bluray &sky & xbox connected to my pioneer av receiver through hdmi and my tv is connected via arc port 2 to the av receiverd tv out.

The audio control works as it should, i.e turning the volume up on either the amp or tv remote shows audio system increasing, however i cannot for the hell of me get the power to trigger on the amp by turning on the tv, nor does the tv turn on should i turn on the amp.

The arc settings are on both devices.... What could be the cause.

Thanks in advance.
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Hi there


On your TV ( http://pdf.crse.com/manuals/13MW802111/EN/brsyncset_europe_co.html ) :

  • Ensure that you have "Bravia Sync Control" Set to on
  • Ensure that you have enabled "Auto TV ON" in the settings as well

 On you AMP

  • Ensure that all CEC functions are enabled.

Also, Ensure that you have a HDMI cable connected from the TV's ARC port (HDMI 1) to the AMP.  I do not understand where ARC port 2 comes into play unfortuantely.  Ensure that you AMP supports ARC as well.




Thank you for your assistance... All this has been done with no avail...

The tv sees the amp under the bravia sync list it gives a device input and type but it does not say connected although it is as the speakers are working are as the audio controls. :0( any other ideas please?

Just out of interest could it just be possible that the handshake between the two devices is what the issue is?

The amp is a pioneer htp-072
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To be honest, there are many inconsistancies in the CEC compatiblity and operability between different manufacturers.  And it could be just that.  I have had a look at the Pioneer manual...And I read a lot of disclaimers about CEC not being guarranteed etc etc.


I am also out of idea's too.  Except one....A programmable universal remote control - such as the Harmony range. 


You might just have to live with the fact that you have to turn both devices on. 





Aaah okay mate thanks for that....

Could it be a dodgy cable it is new.... Or would arc just not work at all... Looking in depth i think its pin 13 which is the cec bit!

Thing is the av receiver is in the cupboard. Thats why it would be convenient.

Ive only had it a week purchased from richer sounds.. That aside i could give it to my dads and buy a sony for myself.
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pretty confident that its not a dodgy cable - considering that audio volume works.


Thanks for your help mate... Think ill go with a bravia amp, theres a decent looking one at richer sounds
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No problems, good luck with everything.


Bravia sync only works with sony devices

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@gofrost wrote:

Bravia sync only works with sony devices

Not quite.  "Bravia Sync" is the term that Sony use instead of the general terminology called "CEC" or "Consumer Electronics Control".  However it is not a perfect system between different manufacturers, who seem to have deviated slightly.


I have another branded Network Media Player.  This works brilliantly with CEC fuctions switched ON, and Bravia Sync to the TV.  The only thing I cant do - is switch it ON using using Bravia Sync, all other commands work.