Kdl46hx923 - buzzing noise


Kdl46hx923 - buzzing noise

Had Bravia 3D telly just under a year and has started constant buzzing noise you can hear on mute and low level and comes and goes.  Contacted  sony and got sent engineer . They have now replaced power board twice, but issue still exists. Now they are saying its normal to having low level buzzing noise. But It never existed before and not happy to just put up with it, esp since telly cost a fortune!!

What are our options? Has anyone else dealt with a company dealing on behalf of Sony? Any advice would be much appreciated!!  Can I get telly replaced? Or return it and get money back?



Sorry to hear you are having issues. Buzzing can sometimes be down to a faulty power inverter, but if they have replaced two already and its still noisey, that doesn't sound right. Arguably any buzzing shouldn't be that audible. Have you tried contacting an alternative repair agent in your local area or escalating it back to the previous service agent as it doesn't sound like a repair has been properly carried out if its exactly the same as it was before.




this has been reported many times before and was put down to the energy saving switch which is on the lower right hand side of the set, usually replacing this cures it.


I had the same set. After a year and trying 3 different Sony sound bars it was found that the TV was at fault.

Well here starts a very long tail, repeated engineers visits and missed visits, TV going for workshop repair, still Sony coundn't fix it.

After months they agreed to replace it with new one but could not supply same unit. They offered the lower model (800 series.) finally agreeing on a 55" 800.

Wait for it!! yes this one went faulty in first week, faulty screen. Again an unrepairable fault. Back to the phone calls but Sony could not supply the same unit as it was now out of production. More phone calls. Then they agreed to give me a 55" W9.

Took a month to get it in middle of June but at least it is still working.

From beginning to end it took almost 4 month's to convince Sony they made rubbish TV's.

I am putting this reply in to show that Sony do make TV that they can not repair and will replace them, when forced to see that fact.

Some day when I have more Time I'll tell you about their Bravia Promotion, wrong contact phone number,web site not working, no contact between Sony and French Pro/company. email replies in French.