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Is there a .pdf version of the iManual for my TV KDL-32EX403 which I could print? I am a pensioner and need a paper version to read while I change settings etc.

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Thank you for your reply.  Sony ought to listen to us.  I will not bother to pursue it any more other than to write directly to Sony as I see from your father's experience that I will just be wasting my time.

Perhaps a passing grandchild can come and explain it to us and write a few coherent notes (in understandable, jargon-free English) to help us out.

As for the environmental nonsense:  If customers print what is available on the iMenu (assuming it can be accessed in the first place)  it will be printed on one side of the paper, and so double the amount of paper used and we use our own ink and electricity.  All they are doing is saving their money - not ours.  Their given reason is just a smoke screen.  Do they really think their customers are completely stupid?  They are just contemptuous of us poor mugs who they have managed to con into buying their products - NEVER AGAIN!!! They will not get any no more of my hard-earned and hard-saved pension money.

If enough of us complain they may take notice, but I very much doubt it.

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You can download the Operation Manual and the iManual here: -


It's useless for me because I want to print it as a book which I would then use fror reference,  Also, my ancient Mac computer will not open compressed files. 

Had I known there was no user manual I probably would not have bought this TV because much of it I will be unable to use.

How do I know what is available on it?

In your first post you asked for a .pdf file thus the link should take you straight through to the .pdf manual which you would be able to print out.

Your retailer may be able to assist as well.

Message was edited by: Catmambo

I obviously did not make myself clear.

The downloadable .pdf manual available on the website is the same, brief, useless one which was enclosed as a short booklet with the TV.  It just states that all information about all the TV's features are in the iManual which is available on the  TV screen.

The downloadable iManual available on the same website also, from the file size, appears to be equally brief but I cannot open it because it is compressed as a zip file.

What I want is a full manual containing all the things which, at present,  I can only access on the iManual on the TV screen. I want it in downloadable .pdf format so that I can print it.

Hope this makes it clear.

Does such a thing exist?  It is not available on the website I was given as far as I can see.  Some very large .pdf files are available in languages other than English.  What are these?

1edgar wrote:

..."The downloadable iManual available on the same website also, from the file size, appears to be equally brief but I cannot open it because it is compressed as a zip file.

What I want is a full manual containing all the things which, at present,  I can only access on the iManual on the TV screen. I want it in downloadable .pdf format so that I can print it..."

The iManual isn't available as a PDF file, however in addition to the downloadable ZIP format which you are unable to open, you can view all the content that's in the TV version in a web browser and therefore print off any sections you want to refer to.


Yes, my question has been answered but I am not satisfied with the answer

Thank you for the information.

Had I known that this was such a problem I would probably not have bought this TV and I will certainly not recommend it to anyone.  People of my age are used to books and like to read them.  We do not know enough about modern technology to know what to look up on the web, or how to do it.  Information, when we do find and print it, comes on un-numbered, random pages which cannot be made into a coherent whole.

Think again Sony.  Surely I am not alone in my extreme disappointment.

My Dad, aged 72, bought a KDL32W5810. It came with only a basic manual. Of course he could watch TV. However without a comprehensive manual he was not able to put it to its full use. The imanual is not at all userfriendly. He does not use a pc to down load the online version. He contacted Sony asking for them to download and print a copy for him, citing his age. Their reply was that for ecological reasons they could not adhere to his request and suggested he aks a friend or relative to print him a copy. He had spent hunderds of pounds and this is the help he gets from Sony. Sony may claim to be environment friendly but definately not customer friendly. He was also redirected to another company who would print a copy for £17.  Over the years he has purchased a number of Sony products. He was going to buy a Sony blue ray now he is getting a Panosonic. There are million in UK who do not have access to computers. Judging by the comments here there are many who are not servised by Sony.

And by the way do Sony read these comments and take note.

Thank you for your reply.  Sony ought to listen to us.  I will not bother to pursue it any more other than to write directly to Sony as I see from your father's experience that I will just be wasting my time.

Perhaps a passing grandchild can come and explain it to us and write a few coherent notes (in understandable, jargon-free English) to help us out.

As for the environmental nonsense:  If customers print what is available on the iMenu (assuming it can be accessed in the first place)  it will be printed on one side of the paper, and so double the amount of paper used and we use our own ink and electricity.  All they are doing is saving their money - not ours.  Their given reason is just a smoke screen.  Do they really think their customers are completely stupid?  They are just contemptuous of us poor mugs who they have managed to con into buying their products - NEVER AGAIN!!! They will not get any no more of my hard-earned and hard-saved pension money.

If enough of us complain they may take notice, but I very much doubt it.

Hi Catmambo,

If you read this forum, you will find a number of posts regarding the lack of manuals. Now these are just the people who bother to use this forum. For everyone on this forum that bothers to voice an opinion, there are many more that just decide not to purchase Sony next time (and tell their friends)

I read with interest your comment about "millions of manuals", but if you sell so many products you equally make a huge profit, so to say you can't create a manual because your products have been so sucsessful is just nonsense. If it is really that hard, how do Panasonic do it? because I can tell you, their TV's do include a proper manual.

Sony need to realise, that a customers next purchase decision, may well be influenced by the fact that they can't use all the functionality of their device as there is no manual.

I am looking to replace my old digital camera soon - I like the Sony nex-5, but also the Panasonic GF-2 - so which do you think I will eventually choose? (hmmm perhaps the penny pinching on the manual was not such a good idea after all)