Talk Talk TV Hub stopped working with TV

Talk Talk TV Hub stopped working with TV

My Talk Talk TV Hub has recently stopped working with my rather old Bravia KDL-40W5810 (possibly after a TalkTalk software update).


The TV Hub (using all the new cabling provided by Talk Talk) connects nicely to other (even older) TVs I have but with our Bravia, the TV Hub boots up but hangs after the YouView logo appears. This seems to be a HDMI connection issue but I don't know what settings I can change to get the equipment connecting properly. Any ideas gratefully received!


My Bravia software is up to date.

I'm using the new Talk Talk supplied HDMI cable.


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Hi @richardbraine 


You keep mentioning TalkTalk TV Hub, do you mean your TalkTalk YouView box? Or do you mean your TalkTalk Broadband Hub. Hub is usually used to refer to a broadband router.


If it is the TalkTalk YouView box, have you tried connecting it to all the available HDMI ports on the TV. As far as I can see, your 15 year old TV should happily work with the TalkTalk box.


Is the YouView Logo appearing from the TV itself, or from the connected TalkTalk box? If it is from the TalkTalk box then that shows it is connecting to the TV okay, indicating a problem with the TalkTalk box.


Are you still with TalkTalk, is the TalkTalk box being updated regularly?

Thanks for the reply.


This is a Talk Talk YouView box (that they confusingly call a TV Hub, stupid, I know).


Yes, I've tried all HDMI sockets.


As for the YouView logo, this is coming from the Talk Talk box; my Sony Bravia pre-dates Sony's YouView integrated TVs.


This problem started recently (maybe a software update happened from Talk Talk that I didn't notice) and so I contacted them and they sent me a replacement box. This new Talk Talk box fired-up and started a software update immediately after which it now acts just like the first - that is, it starts booting-up as expected but hangs pretty quickly after that. 


As I said before, the Talk Talk YouView box happily boots up completely on an older Samsung TV so there's something odd going on, probably to do with the Talk Talk box software rather than my Bravia TV,  but I wanted to start a thread in case others we experiencing similar issues.


Talk Talk will be contacting me on 31-Aug to discuss my issue.

Hi @richardbraine 


The only way that I can think of the TV interfering with the TalkTalk box is HDMI Control or Bravia Sync (or whatever it was called 15 years ago). Have you tried disabling or switching that off on the TV? Perhaps the TalkTalk box as well if you get that far.

Yep, tried that - no change.


I've now deduced the Talk Talk box boots-up fine with or without a HDMI recipient. Also, after having output to my other TV and then switching the HDMI cable to the Bravia, I miraculously get a picture (albeit coloured very strangely) but no sound.


I don't know what kind of handshake goes between a HDMI source and output but the Talk Talk YouView box starts to output something that the Bravia can render after it syncs nicely with the other TV. All very strange!



When you connect the TalkTalk box to other TVs, are you using the supplied TalkTalk HDMI cable?

Unless this can be proven working, it is something I would suspect.


Another thing you might try is when the TalkTalk box is connected to another TV, reduce the output resolution in Settings/Picture & Sound, in case you are trying to stuff a 1080p picture into a TV that can only do 720p or 1080i. Though your TV should be capable of 1080p over its HDMI ports.


If it then works with the affected TV, increase the resolution until it doesn't, and then back off one notch.


As regards hot-swapping HDMI connections, electronically it’s no problem, but the behaviour of the equipment that’s been hot-swapped without an HDMI renegotiation is ‘undefined’ 😛

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Yes, I'm using the very same HDMI cable for both TVs. I've tried other HDMI cables other than the one supplied and get exactly the same issue.


I tried toning down the output to 720p as suggested but this made no difference unfortunately. My Bravia happily accepts 1080p from other sources as you'd expect.


I was hoping to get some help from Talk Talk but they are very difficult to deal with, with respect to technical support. 


Thanks for everyone's help so far though. Much appreciated. 👍


Having a similar problem. I managed to get TalkTalk to replace the TV Hub, but the problem persists. Everything worked fine until 6 weeks or so ago. I've replaced all cables, but that has made no difference.  Could there have been some sort of update that renders my oldish Sony tv redundant when it comes to interfacing with the TalkTalk TV hub?  I have tried getting technical support from talkTalk, but so far nothing.

  • S😄omebody else with the same problem! We have an old Sony Bravia and talktalk hub also! We got hub within last year because the youview box was playing up. In June we had building works done and had to relocate tv and hub upstairs - happily watched on Internet for two months but when brought downstairs it no longer worked with or without ariel.  Have spent hours on phone with talktalk, first replacement new hub , update device, same problem. Technician came - not from talktalk directly (he works for other company's too) concluded it was hub so got a new one today - same problem. Asked tv repairman what he thought problem was and he thought maybe signal from box too strong. Tv has max 1080 and it does initially when unplugging and restarting hub come up with 1080 and youview on tv screen then resets to hdmi channel. Hdmi  work for dvd player, camcorder absolutely fine although think might be problem with one of three ports.  And now the aerial is not happy! That is being fixed now so at least should be able to watch terrestial tv. Maybe if you're OK with other tvs we just need a new tv! Aerial man is having a go now - he has same about resolution -

Thanks for adding to thread. You’ll go mental trying to get any support out of Talk Talk via chat or phone! I’ve given up on that.


I did send a Community support message to Talk Talk and they seem to have some techies answering queries there. I started a there called ‘TV Hub Hangs On Boot-up’


Here’s the link:


Can you add your weight to it? Hopefully if enough people show there’s an issue they will look into it properly. 

They’ve clearly made some kind of software update that isn’t compatible for all TV hardware. 

All the best!