
HDR AS100...just a myth in the UK?

First of all this is my first venture here, so hi :slight_smile:


Now the reason im here is to find out what exactly is going on with Sonys marketing department and the AS100 action camera?


In the UK at least, no independant retailer is entertaining the idea of listing anything other than the AS15, and Sony UK states that after a not so long preorder phase, that its now no longer in stock?

Also since CES ive seen no reviews,comparisons or anything for that matter and theres been next to nothing (other than a few from Asia?) on the 'Tube? Is it a complete flop in Europe and being withdrawn before even taking off or is the marketing department just dragging its feet despite the "Late March 2014" date now long gone?


Im running away from GoPro after several years of use and want something different, more realible and ewual or maybe even better in terms of image? Sony has done me very well these last few months and the AS100 was music to my ears and yet now this silence. 


Slightly dissapointing. Anyone in the know?



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