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3D glasses

I know this topic has been up a lot and I apologize. I just can't find exactly what I'm looking for in the forum. 

I have the 43W805C TV and looking to buy 3D glasses. On a forum post from a month ago I read that Samsung (model SSG-51002) glasses works with 43W807C. He even said that the Sony supporter advised him to buy them because Sony's are too expensive. 
And this is where I agree. I love Sony as much as the next guy but 62 euros/68 dollars a piece is a bit much when you need 3 of them. 
The one's recommened (allegedly) by the Sony supporter comes in a pair for 30 euros/34 dollars.
If they work on W807C will they work on W805C as well?
Or is there another alternative to Sony's 3D glasses?

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