
Sky HD+ box ARC Bravia sync problem. Caused by Fire stick.

Hi there,


I've been using my setup of Sony tv, PS4, and Sky HD+ box through my sony surround system through the ARC channel on HDMI 1 very happily for years now with full HDMI control.

UNTIL! the dreaded amazon fire stick comes along and messes it all up. Plugged it in and audio system stopped working completely. Removed fire stick completely now.


First there was no sound from the audio sytsem at all from any of the devices.


i then re-enabled them through the TV.


now i can watch and hear tv and ps4 through audio system


however when i plug the sky HDMI into ANY of the remaining ports either on the TV or audio system it knocks the surround sound off.


I'v tried changing the settings on the sky box but no joy. Sent the fire stick back! Scratching my head here. Hope someone can help. cheers.


TV Sony KDL-40EX713

Surround system Sony HT- AS5


Sky HD+


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