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SVF1521A7EW Recovery Pack 8CM64 UK, EUAE685AC, won't work

Hi there,

I recently got VAIO laptop SVF1521 from its owner since original HDD got broken and no backup was ever done. I contacted local SONY support asking how to obtain original installation package if possible. They replied that EET Europarts might have something. I typed the model and got a huge list of spareparts and stuff. I also found this recovery pack written in the subject. After receiving the package I've tried honestly at least 20 times to restore the system with no luck. It goes like this: Choose the language -> Choose you keyboard layout -> Choose an option (Troubleshoot) -> VAIO Recovery (or Advanced options) -> Please wait while VAIO Care (Rescue Mode) is starting (progress bar going on...) -> VAIO Care (Rescue Mode) : VAIO recovery solution -> Select english and Start VAIO care (Rescue Mode) -> Start recovery wizard -> Do you need to rescue you data? -> Skip rescue AND there it ends, every time, informing in the popup "Check and insert the correct disc - Cannot use this Recovery Media for this computer. Confirm the model type -Error 114"

Recovery pack has 11 DVD's (*****???) but only the 1st one is bootable. I checked other discs as well and there is plenty of data in them. I suppose that the 1st one is the boot media of recovery pack and the wizard should ask to replace correct DVD, e.g. no 4/11, when the time comes. Anyhow, the package I got is suitable for dozens of models, including the one I have. The question is now why it fails, every time at the same point (where it should actually start doing something).

And before any of you, if even someone, replies asking "have you tried this or that?" I say that I've tried everything, even "standing on my head" while trying to restore.

I've tried several HDDs, one brand new SATA3 SSD, one "traditional" SATA3, one older SATA2 SSD. Trying every BIOS setting of those few adjustable including factory settings.

Why must this be so hard? I've been playing with all kinds of PC's since 1990 and it has never been so frustrating like now with this Sony.

If someone is able to solve this puzzle, i.e. I'm become able to use the rescue package, then I declare that person as the wizard of Oz.



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