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UBPX-700 Freezing

I've had the UBPX-700 4k bluray player for about 6 months now. From the start I had issues where it would randomly freeze up during playback of any type (streaming or blurays of 1080p or 4k) and I'd have to unplug power to restart the unit. Sometimes itd be fine, other times a movie would need 3 restarts to get through- extremely annoying.


Each time I'd google for fixes and find none. Seemed quite a common issue so I assumed a firmware fix was on the horizon. As of yet, nothing.


Any clue as to when this issue will be sorted? For a £200+ product I should be able to get through a film without having such a problem


PS: I've tried all the Initialize Player and reformatting solutions that have been offered, none work. Figure this is a firmware fix or unit fault.

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