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Flattened folder structure and Abridged file names on Sony Bravia CX520

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I have a Sony Bravia CX 520 which I have connected to an iOmega StorCenter 2 TB NAS via a Lan cable. The media files in the StorCenter are organized into folders and sub-folders. Two areas where I would like help or suggestions:

  1. The display in the Sony however flattens the folder structure so that I generally only see the 'leaf node' folders (which have the actual media files to be played). Is there any way of getting the structure as it is in the NAS?
  2. The second problem is that the sub-folder file names seem to get mangled by the Sony media player / DLNA client.For example, Phil Collins - But Seriously is shown as ...But Seriously. Several other folder names seem to undergo some such lexical transformation. Any clues as to why and how this can be fixed?
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