
RDR-HXD890 - Freeview EPG Not working

My RDR-HXD890 has been stuck displaying 'UPDATING' for at least 2 days.

All front panel buttons & remote have no effect.

After Power cycling, the machine returned to the same state.

After searching Internet forums, I found many posts from people with the same issue. Most were dated around 2019.

I tried most of the suggestions:-

A Soft Reset got the machine out of update mode but EPG no longer works and, following auto-tuning, all BBC channels are missing. All other Freeview channels were found.

A Factory Reset did not fix the problem.

The machine displays Software Version 115. I tried to initiate a manual firmware update but no updates were found.

Has there been a recent change with Freeview EPG such that it is no longer compatible with this machine?


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