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home theater system locked-up / frozen during an update!!.

hi im starting to loose my patience with sony!!! absolute crap support.!!

i have a sony bdv-n590.. on the 6th ofthis month sony relased a software update... whist updating the system froze... no pic on screen. all the lights on the unit are on a steady flash ... the only  remote button thatresponds is the power button .. wich just turns it on then it says wlcome and flicks onto bl/dvd and flashes???? ive tried unplugging and restarting no joy... i called sony everyday for a week with them saying their system is down and will call back after 6 wich never happened.. and when they did answer they just passed me on... no clue or any kind of support... my unit is less than a year old and now will only be repaired free if i can find my proof of purchase... even though its sonys stupid update that has messed up my system.... wish i never bought a sony.

does anyone know how to fix this? i have a disc inside so cant even put the old update disc in?


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