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SGP-CV5 broken Where's the Customer Service Sony?


SGP-CV5 broken Where's the Customer Service Sony?

Has anyone had any problems with their SGP-CV5? It's the leather case for the Sony Xperia Z Tablet, which I bought for £59. Within two months the elasticated string has become really lose and doesn't actually do it's job anymore and one of the plastic clasps has broken therefore not holding the tablet in place anymore. Now for £59 I would expect the claps to be made out of something a little stronger than plastic? Am I correct?


Well anyway I thought to myself "oh well Sony is a big company, I'm sure they will have outstanding customer service, I will contact them and highlight my issue" how mistaken I was!!!


I go onto the Sony website click on the SGP-CV5 item but they don't have a support page so somehow I get onto a contact us screen and select the product name from a drop down box and the email gets sent to They promptly reply saying that because it's regarding the Xperia Tablet I need to contact SonyMobile. So I did, I forwarded the reply to and the promptly replied saying that they only deal with the technical support of Xperia Tablets and that I need to contact Sony, as in fact my issue lies with the SGP-CV5 leather cover which is a Sony product.


SO.... I forward this back to Sony, who again promptly reply saying that they are sorry to hear that I am having issues with my Tablet Z and that I need to contact SonyMobile. I very quickly replied clarifying that I am in fact contacting them about the Leather Cover and not the Tablet. Well TWENTY emails later over the span of about two weeks backwards and forth between Sony and SonyMobile I have got nowhere. I am appalled that I am the one that is having to do all the work and just being fobbed off by both Sony and SonyMobile. Why is there not just one generic email that gets forwarded onto the specific team? And how is there not a complaints department? I have asked for the issue to be escalated countless times but it's always the same person replying, how does that work?


Has anyone got any ideas of how to resolve this issue?




Actually I have a pair of Dr Martins, they broke and you have to request a new pair straight from the manufacture, same as Apple and Samsung, list is endless and all have very very admirable customer service. My problem lies with Sony not Argos. I also bought the product in November so it may not be possible to get a refund from Argos. I would like Sony to deal with this directly with me..... it's quite simple but probably not going to happen :slight_frown:

Your first port of call is always with the retailer unless clearly stated otherwise at the time of purchase.

Also did you actually look up Argos' returns policy?

If there is a fault:

"If you bring it back to us within 30 days with your proof of purchase, we'll give you a replacement or a refund.

 If you've had the product for up to 1 year, we'll repair the product or, if that's not possible, give you a replacement or, if that's not possible, a refund."


Its your call how you want to go about this, but for many the obvious route (as echoed by trading standards and your consumer rights) would be the retailer. :wink:

Precisely, if you have a faulty product take it back to Argos and either exchange it or get a refund. I really do not understand why you are making this so difficult for yourself.


Usually I would, I've had the leather case SGP-CV5 for over three months now. Was it faulty to begin with? I don't know. But I did some research and found that it was a common problem with the design of the product from the manufacture (cheap plastic clasps on a £59 product). My first email I sent to Sony was "Hi, I bought this product from Argos and it broke, is this a common problem and what can be done about it?" or something similar. So instead of helping me they have lied, pushed me from pillar to post and appear to be avoiding the issue. The problem is still going to be there if I go back to Argos and get a replacement, unless something is done about it, I hope you understand my enthusiasm?