Sony Tablet S and Office


Sony Tablet S and Office

Has anyone used any of the Business Applications from ( Android market place business Applications ). Interested to see how user friendly they are, especially word processing and powerpoint.

Faith x


Accepted Solutions

Great minds hun,

Just downloaded the Trial Office Suite Pro and my presentations are looking fine, images are fine.  So next, I need to decide if I want the full version, because if I can't connect to a projector, then there isn't much point 😞

(  A bit disapointed

On the plus side, I am happily controlling my TV and Sky box, oh and streaming my music and pictures from my DLNA enabled NAS device 🙂

Next challange:  Will I be happy to use it as a reader for my PDF articles, or do I need a Reader?????

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Ok, so I have downloaded the FREE version of "Documents To Go" just to see if I could see my Powerpoint presentations.  The ultimate plan would be to just take my Sony Table S when I need to present, and plug it straight into the projector (possibly using the USB converter - not got that far yet).

Anyway, I can see my presentations, however, where I have a single image on a slide, the view has tiled it - so no good.

Don't want to pay for the upgrade if that also screws up my images.

If anyone else is thinking of using their Tablet in a similar way, let me know how you get on.

Only just really started to play with it, so may figure it out for myself - miracles do happen :wink:

Hiya hun

I kinda thought that I would just use the viewer, that way, I would still do all my editing etc on my VAIO, transfer to the Tablet, and literally just take that with me to present.  But thinking about it, I want to make the most of the Tablet, so if I can find a nice editing app, that is going to be far better.

I suppose, I'm not your usual Tablet user, not into games, music, videos ect, I'm more interested in the mobile office side of it.

Had a look at the Business Applications, and just went with the one that had the best rating to try it.

Thanks for the review link, very interesting :slight_smile:

Hi Faith,

are you looking to edit office files or just view..:smileyconfused:

If you are just looking to view office files then there are plenty of free apps to choose from, here's a link Android market place business Applications the good thing about the free apps is that you can see if you like the look & feel before having to buy..

As most of the feedback reviews in the Android market seem to be for mobil phone user I thought you'd like this link to a review of a selection of Office applications for a tablet

Hopefully some tablet owners will also share there thoughts on the office apps that they are using..:smileyhappy:

A good solid 4/5 star app seems to be OfficeSuite Pro 5. There is a trial version available will the full suite coming in at under £10 which all in all, I have to say is pretty good!

I only tend to do network and email around so no need for document creation for me but I totally see your point. I still want the keyboard for easier typing. My typing is terribly slow on the Tablet for now. 😞

Great minds hun,

Just downloaded the Trial Office Suite Pro and my presentations are looking fine, images are fine.  So next, I need to decide if I want the full version, because if I can't connect to a projector, then there isn't much point 😞

(  A bit disapointed

On the plus side, I am happily controlling my TV and Sky box, oh and streaming my music and pictures from my DLNA enabled NAS device 🙂

Next challange:  Will I be happy to use it as a reader for my PDF articles, or do I need a Reader?????

I am at Android 3.2 and I used the ebook reader that is in the preinstalled app list and it reads pdf fine.

Hiya breedBenR

Cheers for that, I will give it ago, my only concern with using the Sony Tablet S as a Reader is the screen, ie backlight on the eyes.  I had a Kindle for quite a while and loved the unlit screen and the ink like text.

Unfortunately, someone took a liking to it and alas it was gone, so have been toying with the idea of either just replacing the Kindle, giving the Sony Reader a try, or now I have the Tablet, just stick with that.

I don't tent to read that many books on the Reader anyway, as I have a bit of a thing for the feel, look and smell of old books, which I read a lot of, it is mainly PDF research articles.

Faith x

You can bring up the brightness for the backlight very quickly when in the Reader app itself. Even accessing brightness from the bottom right clock is easy.

I honestly think that having a Reader alongside this is not as bad as I originally though. I mean the Reader is small enough just to go into a smaller bag than the Tablet. I would only really use the Reader on the Tablet as a backup since I find it even lighter using a reading device as a standalone.

faithx wrote:

Just downloaded the Trial Office Suite Pro and my presentations are looking fine, images are fine.  So next, I need to decide if I want the full version

Hi Faith,

quick heads up that the full version of OfficeSuite Pro 5 is currently for £3.12, a 67% reduction, until 14th November 2011..